Saturday, November 28, 2009

Integrating and the Power of Integration

I was quite behind in writing my novel, but I caught up rapidly with some focused priorities and creative writing. I also used a principle of sales and influence called integration. It is about connecting, blending and making sense of what you have.

I utilized extracts of writing I had made in my newsletter editorials over the year. With some creative editing and restructuring, I was able to salvage and reuse these past writing. Professional freelance writers know how to syndicate their writing, that is, spin it in different ways and sell the same article about 6-12 times over the next two years. You stay employable that way as a freelancer.

As a leader, you integrate by involving people on your team. You can also integrate by having diverse team members. You can integrate outsiders by inviting them into your projects and working space. In charity work, integration allows a cross-pollination of ideas, expertise, and competencies. Competencies are your skill sets; knowledge, experience, attitude and mindset that make you competitive enough to compete on a different platform and level. Integrate so that you are in rapport with others, and express yourself meaningfully to others. Involve others in your conversations, so that they can express their thoughts and themselves.

[With integration, I took 10 minutes to write this piece.]

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