Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Leadership Style of Subtlety

Some experts in leadership do not think the leader should be a servant. Granted, there are leaders, and there are followers. They are distinct positions and we need to be able to discern them.

Can you practise a leadership style that is subtle? Subtle means many things including ‘fine, delicate, and mysterious’. It also refers to one’s mental acuteness and penetration.

Some team-leaders I spoke to believe that it is about being humble. It is more than that. It is about having humility. Humble may lead to grumble. Play it too low and you may not be noticed. Sometimes you lead in the run, and sometimes you follow. If you feel that you can set the pace, move up to the front of the pack. There is no insult as some may be grateful for teh change in pace.

Leadership is also not about being loud, intense and unbridled. Action can speak louder than truths. You can walk the talk. Practise what you preach. Lead with results. Lead through your team members. Team involves everybody that is in it.

If your team member leads you, so be it. When a staff steps up to bat, you can be sure that there is transformation at work: change, develop and grow. Leave them be. Subtle leadership is about letting the leadership qualities emerge. An analogy would be tending a garden, but not over-pruning or over-fertilising it. Be mild. Be mild mannered. Subtle does it.
Photo-credit: Ashley of Team FatBird (cool guy in foreground)

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