Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dry Run On A Wet Day

 I spent the whole day undergoing a dry run for the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games. Despite a persistently rainy countenance, spirits were warm, positive and encouraging for a Sunday.

Our Venue Manager led our family of about 600 volunteers and sports officials through their paces. Dry runs or rehearsals were ably and aptly conducted so that the volunteer leaders and volunteers had a clear picture of the actual event. The volunteer leaders also conducted briefings and training for their team comprising adults and youths. Our sports announcers were youths who communicated in fluent English and French. Leadership abounded in different ways and styles. There was leadership by expertise and experience.

The quality of leadership is critical for ensuring a world-class event is delivered to expectation and exacting standards. Art may imitate life. Sport may actualize life. We are expected to be competitive in the field of play, outwit, outplay and outlast our opponents and adversaries. Fairly – of course, or we may veer off-course. We do that by training hard, preparing thoroughly, and developing the mental fortitude and resilience to last the race. A wet run follows a dry run. You run through all scenarios and respond to it so that on race day our responsiveness is ingrained into our system.

Train. Rehearse. Race. The writing is on the wall.

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