Friday, June 24, 2011

‘Twas the Night Before The Race

The 24-48 hours before a long endurance race is crucial. Being mindful of your last days of preparation matter as much as the months of training preceding the race. Here are pre-race considerations that may spell the difference for a tough or tougher race.

1)    Lay out your race attire: race-bib, race-belt/fuel-belt, champion chip, water-pouch, visor, shoes and socks.
2)    Ensure that you have adequate calories through energy-gels and energy-bars. You can store bottles of energy-gels in the refrigerator overnight. If you like, you can mark volume (one serving) levels with a permanent-marker.
3)    Bring salt-tablets in case you suffer electrolyte-related cramps. Store them in a Ziploc bag.
4)    Pack your special needs bag if one is available with extra race attire, towel, and caloric assistance.
5)    Smear Vaseline or body lubricant (when you dress up) to reduce chaffing or abrasions.
6)    Have the most sleep at least two nights before. Pre-race anxiety usually robs you of restful sleep.
7)    Hydrate fully 24 hours ahead of time. Drink enough fluids including sports drinks.
8)    Avoid spicy or irritating foods and condiments. Avoid high-fibre food 24 hours before the Big Dance as gastro-intestinal (GI) issues may surface due to abdominal massaging effect.
9)    Clear your bowels as often and as much as you can, including before the race.
10) Stretch your muscles, and avoid deep tissue massage within 48 hours of the race. Raise your legs and stay off your feet as much as you can the night before. If overseas, no shopping the day before!

All the best to those attempting the adidas Sundown Marathon 100K run on Saturday evening. A big shout out to Victor Chan and Ng Lap Huan! Enjoy your long night out, and more aerobic efficiency to you.

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