Monday, December 13, 2010

Dancing Your Way to Results

‘I dance like a butterfly, but sting like a bee.’ ~ MUHAMMED ALI
Last night’s performance by the Riverdance cast was brilliant! I enjoyed watching it as I did other Broadway musicals. Pure dancing is full of expression and energy! Energetic people are a magnet for others, to indirectly inspire and motivate. Lisa Haneberg, an OD consultant writes about energies and how this attracts others.

Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers are unarguably, the most dynamic dance duo that danced their way to Hollywood greatness. ‘I Could Have Danced All Night’ was a song featured in the film ‘My Fair Lady’. Jane Fonda popularized the revolution known as ‘aerobics dance-exercise’; a scientific term misappropriated from Dr Kenneth Cooper in his landmark book ‘The Aerobics Way’ about endurance exercise as preventive medicine.

I love watching dancers. My favourite dance show was ‘So You Think You Can Dance?’ The biggest dance show in the USA is ‘Dancing with the Stars’. Celebrities are paired with processional dancers to qualify to the next rounds; in the former, budding professional dancers dance a myriad of styles either solo or in pairs to progress.

Dancing is more than just an important branch of the performance arts. It is also a metaphor embraced by many, who feel grounded by language patterns that reflect rhythmic movement.

You can dance your way through precision communication. Twitter works on the premise of containing your message within 140 characters. Consider this: the next time you send a text message (SMS), use précis writing and write with precision your memo in a short paragraph. Obey KISS. It is acceptable if it flows through the second text message; it does not work all the time. Let your fingers do the dancing. In negotiations, clients may like to dance around the real issues so that can be a frustrating form of expressed movement. We have to negotiate around bends in intention, expectations, doubt and worry.

For serious triathletes, the Big Dance takes place in Kona, Hawaii in October each year. How many of us would like to make a date with that event? How about dancing your way across the finish line, applauded by thousands of spectators?

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