Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Making Sense Out of Lack of Space

I envy those of us who live in countries where space for sports and outdoors activities is abundant. I really do. What could be more enriching and invigorating than picturesque scenery and clean air to live and train in? In space-scarce Singapore where I live, space becomes a limiting factor to training further and faster. The island-country is almost pancake-flat, yet besotted by heavy traffic and ubiquitous road demarcations. Indoor-training is a possibility but it can be boring, and mind-numbing. Unless you are my friend, Deca-Ironman finisher Dr Kua Harn Wei who can face a wall for a few hours riding on his trainer. A swimming-pool is a safe option, most of the time until it gets packed with students and crawl-pace, breast-strokers. Running is pretty much 'parkour' styled, as you traversed from road to field to the concrete jungle. What do you think?

1 comment:

Cookie Monster said...

I am terrified of riding in spore.I would rather sit on a wind trainer enrico. space but drivers attitude don't make for a safe ride.