Friday, July 24, 2009

An Evening with Macca Part 2

Macca was recently in town to conduct his triathlon clinic for about 18 triathletes.

We chatted briefly, and Macca and I agreed that Ironman China 2009 was a dreadfully tough one. Other useful performance tips offered by Macca in the 1.5 hour sharing session included:

1) The 70.3 and Olympic Distance formats are more similar in nature (as faster races).

2) It is more useful to use liquid energy sources for faster races, up to 70.3 races.

3) Take lots of calories early on the bike.

4) Treat all injuries: rest, or stop.

5) Less training is more training.

6) Every athlete is insecure. Training gives you the thing to hold on to! You have to find those sessions to help you.

7) The mental side is so important. You have to deal with your self-doubts, and the pressure coming from people behind you. Doubts fester, and they manifest. Mental anguish burns an athlete out ultimately!

8) Racing is the only time in your life where, ‘It’s only about me and me.’

9) You have to believe in yourself. (‘You are the best runner, mate!’).

10) Speed-suits give an edge; compression socks have no conclusive benefits.

I hope that you found these useful. Lead with your first stroke, pedal and step!

(Photo credit: David Chee)

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