Thursday, November 5, 2009

Nine Ways to Increase your Value as Employee 2.0

Employee 2.0 is the revised, reviewed and reloaded version of staff in this decade. This is the staff that detests coercive power, and leadership by fear. He/she is of Generation Y: highly mobile, very technology-minded, highly sociable, and focused on their future needs, and current lifestyle.

Employee 2.0 focuses on being employable. They are mindful about the parameters of being valued and valuable. They navigate from being worthy to worthwhile to creating worthiness. They continue to reinvent themselves to stay fresh and attractive to their organisations.

Here are ways to consider how to enhance your value:

1. Learn new skills

2. Apply existing skills and aim for excellence

3. Ensure that you have unique, potable, and marketable skills

4. Actively network across different industries

5. Use social media tools to stay informed and in-touch with the world

6. Focus on Personal Branding 2.0

7. Focus on Personal Leadership 2.0

8. Take up leadership positions

9. Be an expert in your field

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