Monday, November 30, 2009

Give Yourself Your Daily High Five

I was reading Donald Trump’s blog on Trump University. Talk about personal branding! Trump is a master. Whenever and wherever he can, he will put his brand Trump on anything.

One writer on the TrumpU Faculty, Thomas M. Schmitz wrote that these were five things that he did everyday:

What are the five things you do everyday? My hand is:

1) Teach or share my experience

2) Challenge myself

3) Do something that requires my discipline

4) Lead in a process

5) Engage in Productive Conversations

These five things (and you can expand it to seven if you wish) are things that matter to you. You do them because they develop your value, and value-add to other things that you are already doing. What do you do to develop your leadership? Which values do you engage every day?

You can do you Daily High Five without having too many irons in the fire. I was watching Pirates of The Caribbean and was reminded of this saying when sword-maker, William was heating his steel blades in the furnace. You need not be overwhelmed with the mundane things, and still integrate these Daily High Five.

Write me and let me know yours. Have a great week!

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