Friday, November 20, 2009

Doing That Ritual Thing

I was reading Reeves Leong's blog, and his latest post triggered this barrage of thoughts. He described how rituals create a sense of brand loyalty with products and services.

The traditional meaning of rituals include behaviors and practices that support the religious, spiritual and customary. Birth, life and death involve rituals. Think of christening of a baby, wedding, birthdays, anniversaries, convocation, meals, and celebrations - these have distinct rituals built into the event or occasion. Do you toss salt over your shoulder when you cook? Do you have your daily cuppa? Is reading e-mails the first major thing you do each morning?

What are the daily rituals that we do that lead others through the day? Which rituals can we engage others in so that they have a day worth remembering and reflecting on?

Greet somebody. Show your respect and recognition for them. Call a friend on the telephone (or Skype) and remake that connection. Invite and treat a colleague to lunch. Shop for a gift for somebody that you care for. Ask for permission before you use somebody's office stationery. Fill a guest's glass when it is near empty. Offer your guests a cup of tea or coffee. Stand up when your client enters the meeting room. Open the door, and hold it for others to pass.

Rituals build relationships, enhances our interactions with others, and build experiences of worth for others to endear ourselves to. Lead with your behaviors, and respect for other people's rituals.

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