Sunday, October 2, 2011

Smile An Everlasting Smile

‘Do good. Be good.’ – The Buddha

I just watched an Academy Award-winning documentary called ‘Smile Pinki’. It touched me in many ways, especially the longing looks of these afflicted children, and the haplessness of poor families.
I find it sad and disappointing that, children born with cleft lips and palates can still be treated with ignorance and apathy. Children have been abandoned or killed because due to deep-seated superstition and abject ignorance about this developmental condition. I admire the purpose and cause of this not-for-profit organization called Smile Train. Their Vision and Mission are:

‘Every child born with a cleft anywhere in the world has the opportunity to live a full, productive life.

Clefts are a major problem in developing countries where there are millions of children who are suffering with unrepaired clefts. Most cannot eat or speak properly. Aren't allowed to attend school or hold a job. And face very difficult lives filled with shame and isolation, pain and heartache. Their clefts usually go untreated because they are poor – too poor to pay for a simple surgery that has been around for decades.’

Essentially, the staff of Smile Train scour third-world countries for cases of children and adults with clefts. They generously do this by patiently giving out flyers, asking people, and making public announcements; local doctors are also trained on how to deliver this empowering procedure. As the clinic provides free daily surgeries for patients, almost everyone is entitled to this valuable opportunity despite their financial condition. All is required is that the child is accompanied by an adult (who signs the consent form for the operation) for seven days. The condition being: find your way there, and bring enough food for the week. The actual surgery costs US$250 for each patient; more than 650,000 patients have been successfully treated.

Do visit the Smile Train website and see what you can do: educate, spread the word, promote the cause, or make a donation. The  ‘Smile Pinki’ DVD is available free. Do help the organisation in your own unique way. I thank you!

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