Saturday, August 18, 2012

TriFam Lagoon Biathlon (Part 1)

Photo-credit: Richard Leong

This morning, a large contingent of about 35 swimmers/endurance athletes gathered to do a biathlon: one lap of the Tanjung Beach lagoon and 4.5K run. In this fun race, you were paired up with another partner and their combined completion time were evaluated. Organised by a team of rag-tag seasoned and sun-kissed swimmers, headed by Desmond and Wilson, we first completed a two-lap warm-up before we proceeded for the race briefing. There was a finish-point complete with cold drinks, hot-dogs and prizes (High 5 food supplements). After the race, Dennis briefed us on the progress of our charity swim in October, where an exclusive lane would be designated to us. Last year, we enjoyed an explosion of participants for the aquatic event, so race organisers felt it eminent to offer us a lane all to ourselves. We also celebrated with birthday boy and girl, Karen and Matthew, a song and cake. It was a fun morning for all of us. 

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