Friday, June 8, 2012

Power of Self-Assessment (But A Little Feedback Helps Heaps, Too)

Measurement is a critical aspect of determining progress and progression. How well have you performed lately? How did you assess that?

Schools and educational institutions administer tests and examinations, to assess the effectiveness of the educational and learning processes. How students fare in their tests, gives a reliable measure of rote learning and their study methods. Whether actual learning has taken place leaves much to be desired. Michael Fulan wrote: ‘There is so much education going on this country, but very little learning!’ referring to the Canadian educational system. This observation can be extended to other countries, too.

Self-assessment is another way of measuring improvements and results. Athletes who use the scientific method to measure their progress, may glean enough useful information to assist them in adjusting their training programs, so as to meet their need for competition and races. With the use watches and monitoring instruments, we can gather feedback/data on heart-rate, cadence, speed/pace, distance, location, terrain profile, average moving speeds, and power. Increases in total distance, average speed and recovery heart-rates help in empirical assessments. Other non-instrument based measurements include recovery rates, muscle soreness, appetite, ability to sleep uninterruptedly, hydration levels, cramping, nutritional needs and feedback from your coach, are other factors that contribute to the total performance equation. Performance = Work + Rest.

Leadership Lessons: What are your tools for assessing your performance? How do you know you are still making progress? How do you monitor for stagnancy and stasis? Which tools would you consider reliable in assessing your growth and development? How much are you doing to develop your competencies and capabilities?

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