Monday, December 24, 2012

Reviewing Results

It is almost the end of 2013. We seemed to have survived the End-of-Days as predicted by the Mayans, and await other trials and tribulations from economic, cultural, social, educational, and psychological onslaughts and assaults. It is a great time to do a positive audit of our year.

What went well? What were your highlights of the year? What did you learn? What were your achievements and accomplishments? What were the new things you did? How did you increase your value? Which part of your relationships did you enhance?

What could have been better? Which were your disappointments? Which were the near-misses? What could you have been regretful of? Who could you have spent more with?

How you do it differently? Based on the wisdom of hindsight and tacit experience, how would you engineer next year to be? What would you aspire to do? What would your ambitions be? Which would be those things on your Bucket-List you would cross off, and enjoy doing? Who will you invest the most time in?

Give these questions a think-through. The more you consider them, the more clarity, perspective and confidence you can make of your situation and position. Have a great 2013!

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