Thursday, April 1, 2010

Leading by Learning

Leaders learn; they know that they need to learn constantly, and apply what they learn. They lead by identifying and selecting worthy successors who are keen to learn. They lead by teaching others.

How do you learn? How do you know that you need to learn? How do you know that you have learnt?

Learning goes beyond education. There is a saying: ‘There is so much education going on, but very little learning!’ I agree with this realistic observation. Quality of education has risen, by learning has been compromised in this impatient, microwave-ready, convenience-based society.

We learn habits. We can be skillful in how we acquire new habits. Habits are patterns of behaviors that, through repeated reinforcement, become almost second nature. Habits can become unconscious behaviors, such as language patterns, gestures, postures and mannerisms.

The best teachers I have met continue to learn, making a concerted effort to acquire skills, develop mastery, and teach others. They persist in asking questions. They are inquisitive. They challenge convention. They do not stop at the first right answer.

Some contemporary approaches to learning are:

1) Online learning platforms and resources (example:

2) Directly from leading edge thinkers of our time (example: Seth Godin’s SAMBA)

3) Apprenticeship and mentorship

4) Communities of learning (examples: online forums, Twitter tribes, Facebook communities, etc.)

I like to think that ‘Learning is an L-plate for earning.’ Learn and you will earn the respect, big bucks and the living you seek. May you learn and grow.

1 comment:

Matty Wong said...

Where's the 'Like' button....