Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Expanding Your Thinking Outside the Blogosphere

I have been enjoying my online time with friends via Twitter and Facebook. There is much to be gleaned from the postings, be it links to websites, blogs, music and film trailers. In recent weeks, the amount of humour has also increased and there is certainly room for laughter at every moment.

I also identified leaders within our midst. They have started discussions; focused on safety, care for the environment, fair play and values. If you are willing, you can begin reading and make the connection. Sometimes you agree; other times, you disagree. Sometimes, you just enjoy the arguments and proposals. We have choices. Make good decisions to write, make better decisions to post. Sometimes it would be better to read and lurk, than post and regret.

New media (or Social Media 2.0) can be a powerful tool to educate, eradicate and entertain. However, like a double-edge sword this electronic pen can be mightier than the digital sword. Be upset, and you can upset others with a few deft strokes on your keyboard. Nothing is sacred for discussion. Dirty laundry gets aired, and gets dirtier on a colossal scale; digital imprints are left over this universe of information and infamy.

Think before you hit the ‘return’ key. Make sure you check before you post for inappropriate content and tone. Ensure there is a delete function so that you can make corrections rapidly. Be a responsible Netizen. With great bandwidth (and applications) comes greater responsibility.

Expand your consciousness of thinking and connecting, not your notoriety.

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