Saturday, August 13, 2011

Your Opinion Is A Theory!

If you think you are right, you may be. Or, you may be wrong.

Opinions are based on facts, and some are based on assumptions.

In recent weeks, I have read and researched much on running styles and running shoes. Here are some differentiations of the three major styles of running: barefoot, barefoot-inspired minimalist shoes, and forefoot/Chi Running/P.O.S.E. styles. Here is a brief summary of current running philosophies and movements.

Barefoot: Deeper bend in knees; more cadence; lighter landing (nearer to ground); need to ease in gradually; calves and feet will be sore for several weeks. Read Barefoot Ken’s book, Barefoot Running Step By Step, about how to run without shoes without being injured!
Minimalist Shoes: Less built-up; lighter; landing more on mid-sole or forefoot rather than on heels; Vibrams Five Fingers shoes are still shoes and expensive. The latest inductee to the hall of minimalist shoe has to be the New Balance Road/Trail shoe, Minimus. It boasts a more developed sole by Vibrams.

Forefoot running: Leaning forwards; need to control pace; reliant on gravity; more cadence/turnover of footsteps; can cause injury to toes; more extension of knees (not as bent as barefoot running); preferable to attend a workshop like Chi Running or P.O.S.E. method. These methods engage your core muscles, teach you to run freely, and be aligned with your natural musculature.
Which is the best way? There is none, as style is dependent on variables such as physical structure, biomechanics, kinesiology, and habit. In order to develop our speed, strength and endurance train over different terrain: road, track, off-road (trail) and hills. Do varying distances with various intensities, and learn to be disciplined about pace.

Run with naked feet, run freely, and run on all surfaces. Happy running!

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