Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Eating Correctly For Your Blood Type

I read the book, Eat Right 4 Your Type a few years ago and found it interesting after comparing notes with the characteristics of each haemotype: O+, A+, B+, and AB+. Being a universal donor, O+ my blood can be used for transfusion for all four blood types. However, O+ donors can only receive from O+ donors.
What arrested my attention were a few features of the O+ population:

1)    Indulge in intense exercise such as aerobics, running and martial arts.
2)    Focus on more animal protein in our diet.
3)    Food allergies.
4)    A robust digestive system and immune system.
5)    Inflammation of joints, including a propensity for arthritis.
6)    We have to avoid wheat.

Whether this alternative approach to nutrition is valid or not, is best left to our experimentation. The authors have been slapped on their wrists by skeptics for not being scientifically validated, since some of their theories are weak or under-tested (for instance, being vegetarian as an A+ type). Since it is about food, it is time that we explore healthier options that do not sap our energy, immune system and health. Being endurance athletes, we should be discovering which foods help us recover faster, so that we can train without over-reaching and being depleted.

On Dr Mercola’s website, I tested my Metabolic Type and found that I am partial to a mixed diet. In effect, I can eat an omnivorous diet comprising both protein and carbohydrate. I can eat vegetables with my meat without arousing food allergies. So far so good (most of the time), or according to O+ type, I have a strong stomach for diversity. By a simple process of addition or elimination of certain food types, and monitoring my responses to them (allergies, sleep patterns, energy levels for sports, etc.), I have been able to direct my lifestyle through nutritional aids. By reducing my intake of soda/carbonated drinks and sugar, I have become more energized for longer. The addition of one or two whey protein drinks daily, I have felt stronger and my recovery has been enhanced after each intense training session.

Food is a personal thing. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. Food is a matter of preference. We acquire (learn) a taste for certain foods. Cultures support the preparation and consumption of certain food. I acquired a taste for beer, sashimi (raw meat), cured foods, Power Gels and Power Bars.

Tomorrow: The Sheila Taormina Interview.


Matty Wong said...

If you have to avoid wheat, then you just missed out some of the bestest wheat beer in Germany.

Good work mate, looking forward to the Taupo trip.

Jacquiew said...

O+ can receive blood from both O+ and O-......Pls comment on this.