Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cycling and Your Working Cycle

‘Early to bed, early to rise – makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.’ ~ BENJAMIN FRANKLIN

You can program in a bike ride soon after you arise. This is a common pattern among cyclists and serious triathletes when they attend to an early-morning, pre-dawn ride. Apart from the risk of riding alone, and the risk of sleepy drivers steering their sensibilities, aerobic activity like riding and running can stoke your metabolism and alertness for the rest of your morning.

Birth, life and death: that is the cycle of life. As one generation passes, a new one assumes its place. Everyone has cycles. Every end has a beginning, and vice versa. These cycles include our patterns of behaviors, and thus our habits. Some of these patterns are determined biologically, such as sleep (larks versus owls) – we function best at specific times of our circadian rhythm. Other biological cycles include eating, resting, recovery, fertility and energy.

Even though cycles are predictable, these can be re-programmed. Patterns of behaviors can be reformed, just as we can learn new skills if we decide and commit to. Some cycles are functional patterns, whereas others may be destructive. Beware of destructive patterns of behaviors, for these ill-mannered programs affect those around us, directly and indirectly. It is important that we are cognizant and aware of them; or else, we infect and affect other people’s energy space and personal space.

There are toxic people – described as these with destructive cycles. Unless they consciously back-pedal their thoughts and words, their deeds impact others. A media-house shared with me how one of their regular guests used to ‘cause’ staff to fall ill, after being around him. How we project our energy through our intentions and actions can impair other people’s functionality and performance. Interpersonal conflict, office politics, grudges, resentment and disappointment can exacerbate the ‘toxic cloud’ that looms. Stop creating an air of anxiety and apprehension when you approach others!

Leadership Lessons: What is your daily cycle like? How do you evade monotony? What do you do to overcome boredom of routine? When was the last time you reconfigured your cycles? Which positive energies and emotions can you express with your team, so as to further engage and entrance them?

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