Friday, July 16, 2010

Volunteers and Volunteerism

Volunteerism is a mindset and attitude. You choose to volunteer if you feel that it does you personal good. When your core values include care, consideration, generosity, loyalty and helpfulness, then volunteering for a cause can be most rewarding.

Just in case you are wondering: Volunteers do not get paid. Volunteering may be a thankless job. You may be stretched on occasions, perhaps feel exploited. However, what sustain us are our motivations: relationships, ability to influence, and getting the job done.

Can you be volunteered? Not really. You may be nominated, or the task delegated by your manager. However, how well you achieve the goals and outcomes is dependent on your interest in the area assigned to you. Volunteerism is voluntary, and you cannot mandate people become volunteers.

You can engage your spirit of volunteerism by:

1)    Deciding on a cause, and helping in ways to support the cause.
2)    Taking a short stint as a volunteer.
3)    Adopt a charity as your pet project for 6-12 months.
4)    Be a volunteer as public sports event.
5)    Helping out as a tutor for students at an association.
6)    Be part of a larger experience like the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games.

As a volunteer for a corporate project, charity or cause you may be establishing yourself as a lynch pin. You may be a Purple Cow for doing so. Being a volunteer may be a luxury, or even a charity depending on your stage in your career or business. Leaders will do the right thing when they strongly feel or intuit it is the right thing to do. The success of this blog is due to many generous people who offered their time and thoughts to engage us.

Volunteer. Never be volunteered by anyone. You call your shots. Do it because you want to.

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