Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Managing Conflict as a Professional


Sharon Osbourne

This book gives the reader a better feel and look behind The Osbournes – the first, reality TV series about one of England’s most dysfunctional family (that also spawned a plethora of reality television series thereafter, many of which are shocking). Yes, she is the charismatic wife of Ozzie Osbourne of Black Sabbath. Sharon is a clever businesswoman who was first to initiate the reality TV series - not to say that she has not made some not so useful career and personal decisions. She spills some insight (not direct) about dramatic feuds and tirades with fellow colleagues including Simon Cowell, Piers Morgan, David Hasselhoff ad Jerry Springer. The main thread sewn through this book is about her coming to terms with an estranged relationship with her volatile father, and the tragic impact of his death on her. So, is blood thicker than water?

She expresses herself clearly, and shows her character. She is, like her favorite pet dog, Minnie – she will be bite back if anyone attacks her family. In other words, she is a real and incendiary firecracker. And the main theme of her second biography is how she maintains a semblance of sanity in a highly chaotic public life, while lovingly managing the business side of things. She successfully managed her husband’s sustained career, and running the annual OzzFest tour. I like the part when Ozzy announces that the rock concert would be free; what was the impact and consequence of giving away something for free? In marketing terms, this contrarian thinking may seem suicidal; however in this case, it was pure marketing brilliance. ‘Free’ may be the new pricing index.

The main takeaway I got from this ‘next chapter’ of Ms Osbourne’s biography are her values about family and work, how she manages her grief, and how she deals with conflict (egotistical colleagues, overzealous fans, family and the media). She assumes all five positions of the Thomas Kilmann conflict modes instrument. She is a clear case of let sleeping dogs lie, as she is decisive and clear about when to protect and nurture her brood.

She writes in an honest and witty style. It is funny, and her frankness is not malicious – she writes as she thinks (celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay comes to mind, complete with the F*** word). Hopefully, a biography is a calculated attempt to set the record straight thus far, until another one comes along.

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