Thursday, January 13, 2011

And the Hits Keep Coming!

Thank you for dropping by. Over the past week, we have had many visitors to this blog. I appreciate your interest, and hope you will visit occasionally. I believe that it has to do with our interviews with Kua Harn Wei and Wayne Kurtz – both well-known, world-class, Deca-Ironman finishers.

When I run unshod (‘barefoot’ in VFF), my feet turnover/frequency is higher. My feet hits the ground more often, however with shorter strides, and lower landing. Otherwise, my feet, ankles and knees will be subjected to massive stresses and strains. Although each foot has 26 bones, they experience the most activity and impact each day, supporting our full bodyweight.

I am attracted to the hits on television and radio. These are popular programs that warrant our attention. They usually attract a large viewing or listening audience. Musical hits stay on the Top-40 charts for many weeks, shifting in ranks and enhanced CD and iTunes download sales. One of the definitive hits of the 1980’s was Pat Benatar’s Hit Me With Your Best Shot.

Our heart goes out to Australians hit by the floods. We hope that things will recover and get better soon. We think constantly of our Australian friends, many we have gotten to know in Ironman Western Australia 2010.

As of today, the number of hits on Kua Harn Wei’s interview has reached 1,262, 643, 504, and 748 views respectively for Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively, on I hope that readers found it useful. I think that our endurance community is ready to explore multiple-formats for Ironman triathlons.

As a leader, how have your presentations impacted others? Does your message hit home after you introduce them at meetings? Are you a hit with your customers? Do they come back to you for more? How hard-hitting are your marketing campaigns? When somebody hits you unfairly, how hard do you hit back fairly? When was the last time you the gym, or the punching bag? Hit them with your best shot!

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