Sunday, January 3, 2010

Pledges and Pledging Your Time

2010 opened with meaning with gratitude as leaders in our sporting communities pledged their time and expertise to help others.

Congratulations to army officer, Major Kelly Lim for completing her 30-hour, 160km, run. She was raising funds for the President’s Challenge. Please make a one-time donation, or pledge for each kilometre that she completed. Plagued by wet weather in the early 50km, she proved relentless and soldiered on. She arrived safely, with small fanfare to a reception committee of loyal MR25 runners and supporters. Members of our career defence force have suitably impressed me; they have continued to demonstrate their physical and leadership fitness.

Matthew, a military officer, led a dozen of us through our paces yesterday morning at the lagoon. He led and encouraged us to swim about 2.4km in the lively, yet clear, open water. Nigel and I led in the 4km fast run; it was part of our swim-run brick.

I am deeply grateful to these leaders and their spirit of generosity. They embrace values that many of us can relate intimately to. How do you care and share for others? What and who have you pledged to support this year?

By the way, yesterday was a palindromic date: 01022010 (if you follow the system of Month-Day-Year). Thanks, Mom for reminding me of the mirrored date!

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